

DKC celebrates its successes with an online event towards the future of energy and sustainability.


Bellinzago Novarese (No), 19th of March 2021 – An event called “Battito”, the Italian word for beat, a strong and intense beat to tell more than 20 years of history and growth of a close team aiming at the future of energy and sustainability: this is to summarize “Battito”, the event which DKC organized on 18th of March live from the East End Studios of Milan, supported and attended by a lot of people.

Customers, designers, installers, distributors, as well as the whole company team were very glad to follow this live first meeting, strongly desired by the company management, to celebrate a journey focused on evolution. This journey has allowed DKC Group to establish itself as reference player in the design and manufacturing of ducts systems for cables and of solutions for the protection, transmission, distribution and storage of energy.

The event “Battito” was organized also to thank who plays every day an active and pulsating role in the fulfilment of that success, giving to the company and for the company great passion and strong skills.

“We were born in 1998 in Russia with the manufacturing of corrugated pipesSandro Bergamo, Managing Director of the Group, has stated – and we came back to Italy in 2007 gambling on the local market with DKC Europe. With strong pride we invested in high-quality Italian companies acquiring 8 brands in 14 years going through three big worldwide crises. We supported a lot of organizations counting on integration and innovation and creating new growth opportunities. Today, after more than 20 years of commitment and business, we can consider DKC as a leader in our sector; we guarantee the quality and the know-how of big companies which strengthened thanks to DKC support achieving a profitable reinforcement with the entire electric material industry”.

The event was presented by Fabio Volo, very excited for that task, who succeeded in seizing the most human aspect of the company valorising it from a vision and development point of view. “Like in the Odyssey – he commented during the event – you left on far lands and you came back with an expertise that you integrated and successfully developed, going bravely beyond the business and personal difficulties that such an adventure can entail” 

Indeed, that was what happened: from Italy to Russia and then back to Italy, a story which speaks about friendship and common vision shared by Marco Cecconi, Sandro Bergamo and Dmitry Kolpashnikov who believed in a dream which became true.

“It was end of the 90s and in Russia they were living the period after the Soviet Union. In Tver, 160 kilometres from Moscow, my husband Marco, Dmitry and other young friends found in the crisis an opportunity and they founded DKC. – Silvia Repertorio, today Group President, has stated – From a small telecommunications company, DKC has developed and become the reference company that we all know. The motto of Marco, Sandro and Dmitry has always been “jump without counting” to underline a vision whose main levers were instinct, passion and courage, together with a big dose of commitment, study and skills”.

And today the history of more than 20 years is the print of a future of constant growth, it is the pulsing beat, the “Battito”, towards the creation of something always new and important.

From yesterday experience to today resources up to continuous innovation: a full immersion in DKC ecosystem looking towards the future of energy and sustainability. Maurizio Melis, radio presenter and populariser of science and technology, wanted to point out this topic giving his contribution about energy efficiency and renewable energy. These are indeed the new DKC projects, a group which is finding in power electronics and in the management skill to accumulate energy – especially the one from renewable sources – the way to keep on growing.

In more than 20 years of business, DKC has increased its operations and its range of solutions, always being loyal to its original values. Founded in 1988, today DKC boasts a turnover of 440 million USD, 3.700 employees, 40 sites/warehouses worldwide, 22 premises in 8 countries including 14 in Italy, as well as 90 million USD in investments during the last three years.

New products and a wider service are the key points of a continuous improvement policy belonging to the Group.

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