Moulded in SMC (fiberglass) - grey RAL 7040 color. Internal hinges in polyaryla-mide-based fiberglassreinforced
thermoplastic resin (IXEF). External metal parts made of stainless steel or tropicalized
steel painted grey and electrically insulated from the inside.
In compliance with CEI EN 62208 rule. Rated insulation voltage Ui 690V. Hinged door complete with
cremone-type bolt operated by a retracting handle with Y21 individually-keyed safety lock. Dividing
partition complete with core hitches. Lower and under-roof air vents for natural ventilation inside.
Mounting plate equipped with brass inserts buried in the moulding so as to allow equipment to be applied
directly or through the mounting plate itself.
Protection degree
IP 44 in compliance with CEI EN 60529; IK 10 according to CEI EN 62262.
WL versions = without lock (to order separately). Pre-engineered for installation of series SCS86/..
- SCM86/.. locks to order separately.
The effective dimensions shown in the Table indicate the maximum space available for the equipment
in compliance with the features specified by standard CEI EN 62208 (effective protected space).*Max
load Kg applicable on bottom wall.